Monday, November 07, 2005


It's not like he's desperate for attention. He's not desperate for anything. The times are changing. The priorities for him are his job and his family. Everything else is secondary. Is he following the right path. Will this take him to his dreams?. Will this decide his destiny. He followed his heart. He went where it took him. He didn't allow his mind to control his intentions. As always he left the decisions to the almighty. It's not that he is afraid to make decisions. It's just that he is not into taking risks at this point of life.

This may be the reason he is hiding the fact that he really needs attention. Everyone in this world is desperate for attention. The kid is desperate for his parent’s attention. The old is in need of the helpers or their children’s attention. All are in need of attention.

The dreams all are pending, the desperate attempts to fulfill them is not getting him anywhere. It takes time, say his friends. It sure does. But when? It’s of no use when he is old and dependent. He says sarcastically ‘ maybe it will all be fulfilled when I am six foot under’.

The thing is not about the dreams or the fulfillment of the same. It’s how you feel when you are in the bed with seconds counting and awaiting your last breath. Then you might think about the days passed, the countless times you cursed, offended or hurt someone. Think how good it might feel if everything you have done is good. You have not done anything unethical, and followed your instincts and heart every where you went, then your dreams are fulfilled.


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